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Civil War II Page 4

  Ohlbinger needed time alone to plan for tomorrow, but he would not get the chance.

  The man who had bought the pizza, he looked to be late in his thirties or early forties, stood and made a brief speech about the day’s events. He asked if he could have a moment alone with Ohlbinger.

  Colby smiled. “Sure, sure, but I always like at least one of our other leaders to stay. I want all of us to be able to trust each other. Sox, why don’t you hang back?” He suggested.

  Sox was Steve Oxley’s nickname. Colby didn’t really care who knew what he was up to. But he was a little nervous that he had crossed a line and the Portland leader, he thought his name was Don, but he really didn’t remember, was going to chastise him. Don was a bit bigger than Colby and the last thing he needed was a physical fight with one of the locals.

  Oxley nodded and sat back down in one of the little chairs against the window.

  As soon as everyone but the three had left, Don told him why he wanted to talk to him.

  “Look Colby, you’re doing great stuff here. Really great stuff. The resistance has always needed a strong leader. Someone had to be the figurehead to carry our message.

  But you’re not going to be successful if you don’t have any money. I’ve made a few calls to some of the Hollywood folks, they really like what you’re doing, and some of the business leaders who support us as well.

  I’ve asked them to meet us here and they should arrive any minute. I think you’ll like what they have to say, and they can give you a few bucks to get you into a nicer hotel and maybe some money for a little food and other things you may need.”

  “Well, I don’t know what to say.” Ohlbinger said. “We did coast into town on fumes and spent our last few dollars on this hotel. I just figured I could find a part-time job to keep me going as long as I could to help here.”

  Oxley laughed out loud. He knew Colby had no intention of working. He had loaned him $500 already this morning. When both men glared at him he tried to cover up his blunder, but he didn’t put much effort into it.

  “Yeah man.” He said. “We could certainly use a few dollars. The image of Colby working at Walmart isn’t going to be a good look for us.”

  The knock at the door saved him.

  Don Crawford, the Portland resistance leader who was being pushed out by Ohlbinger opened the door. Colby and Steve Oxley both recognized the smiling woman first. It was the singer and sometimes actress Eliana Kolnecik. And she was stunningly beautiful. While Colby didn’t recognize either of the two men behind her, Oxley knew one of them.

  It was Scotch Anderson. A thirty-something social media billionaire. Kolnecik walked directly to Colby and gave him a long hung. She was whispering into his ear words of love and encouragement.

  Oxley shook hands with Anderson and the other man who was holding a rather large backpack.

  Anderson took charge of the meeting.

  “Colby, we really think you’re doing great work here. Really just great work. I could really use someone with your passion and drive to help run my business.” He said. Then laughed and added,

  “But you’ve got more important things to do I’m sure. Look, I know you look at us as the wealthy, evil capitalist, but we’re not. We want the same things you want. But we have far less pull with the politicians and the bankers than you would think. So the best way for us to help is with a little money. He looked to the man who had come with him and nodded.

  The man started to speak, and Colby and Steve remained quiet, trying to figure out where this was going.

  “We’ve made reservations at the Hilton downtown for your group. We have five large suites reserved for you through January. We also put a little gift pack together for you with some supplies and a few dollars for meals, clothes and anything else you might need.”

  The man handed the backpack to Colby and then gave him a card and a mobile phone. This is my card. I’m Mr. Anderson’s personal assistant, so you call me if you need anything. This phone is for you as well. We think that your own cell phone might be bugged. This one is safer.”

  As he handed them the bag, Anderson spoke and his voice became a bit louder. Only Oxley noticed it.

  He looked at his assistant as he spoke.

  “Now, you didn’t put anything bad in there, did you? Just some basic supplies and a few dollars like we agreed right?”

  And he laughed as if it were some kind of inside joke. Colby laughed as well, not quite getting the joke. Oxley was dead silent and just stared at the bag.

  Anderson stood up from the edge of the bed and the beautiful actress, who had been sitting close to Colby stood as well.

  “Well, we’re really pulling for you guys.” Anderson said. And then he continued in a more serious note. “Look Colby, if you need anything, be sure to get in touch with Sean here.” He started to walk towards the door and then stopped again.

  “Hey, one other thing guys. Call us if you need some guidance as well. We need the support of all the people. When you start to think the movement may be going off the rails and they start calling you a communist, let us help. And if you think that some of the crazier elements of your group want to overthrow the government, or get you into some real trouble, give us a call then as well. We can help you reel them back into sanity.”

  Oxley was silent, but Ohlbinger smiled and nodded like it was the best advice he had ever been given.

  When they left Colby darted towards the backpack and started to fumble for the opening. But Steve stopped him.

  “Wait a second Colby.”


  “Don’t you see what was going on here? They’re trying to buy you off.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it will work.” Colby retorted.

  He went for the bag again, but Steve grabbed him by the shoulders and put his finger to his lips signaling Colby to be quiet.

  Then he motioned him outside the door. Before he closed the door, he grabbed the new phone from Colby’s hand and tossed it on the bed. When they were in the hallway he spoke quietly.

  “That phone they gave you is probably the one that is bugged.”

  Colby had a confused look on his face. “What?”

  “Think about what he said when his assistant handed you the bag. There is something in there that is illegal. Anderson was covering his ass in front of Elenia, and the phone is probably not just bugged when you talk, it’s probably got a microphone in it to listen to everything we say. And that stuff he said at the end. He’s trying to make sure you don’t go too far and disrupt his business.

  Whatever is in that backpack is either dangerous or a bribe. Let’s just go to the Hilton and check-in. Just leave the phone behind. If they try to reach out again, tell them in all the excitement we forgot it.”

  Colby was beginning to understand. He nodded at Oxley and walked back into the room. He threw the backpack over his shoulder and said.

  “All right Steve, things are starting to come together. We’ve got some dedicated voices in those guys who are willing to help us. Let’s get out of this place and get to the Hilton and get to work.”

  When they had settled into all of their rooms Colby asked Oxley back to his room for a few minutes. Once alone he opened the bag. In the top of the bag were a few T-shirts. Underneath that, was money. Stacks and stacks of hundred dollar bills. They went layer by layer counting the money.

  “What are we at Steve?” Colby asked. The glee was overwhelming.

  “Almost two hundred thousand dollars already, and there’s still a layer to be counted.” Oxley answered.

  When Oxley reached in and pulled a few stacks from the last layer, he gasped.

  “What the hell is it?” Colby asked.

  Oxley picked up the bag and spread it open so Colby could see. At the bottom of the bag were four pistols. There were also a few boxes of ammunition. Colby reached in and pulled out a folded piece of paper that was lying amongst the guns.

  He opened it and read it aloud.

bsp; ‘Guys, I think it might get rough out there. You’ll need to be able to protect yourself. I mentioned it to Scotch, but he thought it was too dangerous. I’m just worried about you. Please don’t tell Scotch I put these in here, and be safe.’

  Colby smiled and looked at Steve. Oxley was stunned.

  “We have to get rid of these.”

  Colby shook his head no. “Steve, we already have guns. I gave two of them to Katana and I have two more in my bag.”

  “Why!” Oxley screamed. “What the hell do we need guns for?”

  “Do you think the right wing guys that try to disrupt us don’t have guns? They do. The guns are here to stop it from getting out of hand. We flash them to the right, they flash theirs to us. It’s a way to prevent any of us from using them unless we absolutely have too.

  Look, Steve, this is bigger than I think you realize. They aren’t just going to walk away and let us run the country. It’s going to take a fight. Without guns, they can just mow us down. People will be pissed for a few days, but then they’ll forget all about us.”

  Oxley was nervous. “I thought you were against guns.” He said.

  Colby laughed heartily. “I’m against guns for the bad guys.”

  Colby flipped on the television and sat down on the couch in the living area of the suite.

  The riots he had started were progressing as he had hoped. Smashed windows and burning cars were in every camera shot. The police had formed a wall. Colby could see they weren’t holding a hard line. They would step back a few steps if the crowd surged.

  There were the obligatory shots of young people with welts from rubber bullets and tear gas canisters being fired into the crowd. The crowd was huge. Much bigger than either Oxley or Colby could ever remember. Ohlbinger’s mind was working quickly. Three of the others had joined him and Steve. Katana was still out in the streets stirring up the violence.

  “I need you guys to do me a favor.” Colby said. He reached into the bag and pulled out a few stacks of hundreds and threw them to Steve.

  “Go out first thing tomorrow morning and by a hundred tents. Big nice ones. Take them downtown and set them up like you are going to sleep in them. If anyone asks, tell them the tents are for everyone. Colby looked around the room at his four soldiers. That’s what he needed them to be.

  “You guys remember that Occupy Wall Street movement? Well, those guys hung on for months. We just need to hang on until the inauguration. When the tents fill up, give everyone inside a hundred dollars. Tell them we’ll be back with more money.”

  “It will go fast if we give out too much.” Steve said.

  “No need to worry about that. Anderson may have covered his ass about the guns, but we’ve got him now. The guy is a billionaire. He’ll give us as much as we need.”

  Just as Colby finished talking his phone buzzed. He grabbed and looked down at the caller id.

  “It’s Katy.” He said and answered the phone. Katy was Katana. It was her real name and she hated it. But Colby knew this and would use it from time to time just to put her in her place. She was a loose cannon, so he needed to take every advantage he had to keep her in line.

  “Katy, how’s it going?”

  “I’ve been arrested and the bond is a thousand dollars. I’ve got two hundred. Get your ass down here and get some money together to get me out!” She screamed.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m in jail, you idiot!”

  “I mean, where is the jail Katy?” He said with a condescending tone.

  He sent all but Steve down to bail her out. He handed Lee, the Asian kid, a stack of hundreds. “Get her out and get her a lawyer. Use what’s left to bail out any others you can afford.”

  When they left it was just he and Oxley again. Colby knew Oxley was nervous. He was worried it was going to be a big problem. But he also knew he needed him. He had a degree in history, and although he was the most contentious bastard he had ever met, he had a good relationship with him and the guy was usually right about things. So Colby wanted him calm and committed to the cause.

  “Steve I’m worried about you. You okay man?”

  Oxley looked at him like he was crazy. “Damn Colby, are you kidding me? Aren’t you worried this shit is getting out of hand? If someone gets killed tonight, this whole thing will be busted up and we’ll all be in prison.”

  Colby tried to manage a smile. Steve was genuinely a nice guy. Those guys could be useful. But they were always afraid. That fear is what killed movements.

  “Steve Katana isn’t down there to get someone killed. She is down there to make sure it doesn’t happen.”

  This wasn’t entirely true, and Colby was just hoping no one would get killed. Not yet anyway. If it happened later, once they were solidified, then it happened. In a battle like this, there were sure to be deaths. It was part and parcel of the struggle

  “Okay, I didn’t know that about Katana. I thought she was there to stir shit up. But hell, now she’s in jail. Colby, I gotta be honest. I think we want the same things. I mean we’ve always talked about it. National healthcare, more power for unions and working people, gun control and rights and for women and minorities.

  But this thing, I mean the way you are riling these people up, you’re going to cause a civil war or some shit. And I don’t want to be part of that. That won’t end well for anyone. We can’t win a war, Colby. We just can’t.”

  Colby knew that Oxley was a lost cause. This was the pivotal moment for Colby Ohlbinger. He knew this would happen. He was ready for it. He had prepared since he was a freshman in college eight years ago. He just thought it wouldn’t happen so quickly.

  But his moment would come tonight. He spent three hours talking to Steve. Trying to calm him down and make him understand that he didn’t want it to come to war. He didn’t even want it to come to violence. A few broken windows were necessary he told Steve. That was all that was needed. A few broken windows a few cars on fire. Then people would see that they were serious.

  They weren’t going to have another election stolen from them.

  When Katana and the others finally returned to the hotel they were exhausted. The riots were all but over, but the people were still there.

  Colby took Katana to her room and got her to sleep. She didn’t need to be a part of what was going to happen. Steve was to close and knew too much. If he ruined this, it would be forever. The nation would never get another chance. He had no idea if he could go through with his plan. But he knew it was the right thing to do.

  He went back to his room. It was nearly two o’clock in the morning. “Steve, Lee, Jennifer, Manny, let’s go for a walk.” Colby said. Lee Jennifer and Manny stood quickly, but Steve sat still in his chair.

  “Steve I know you’re tired, I just want to show you guys something. I just want to show you what you have accomplished tonight.”

  Steve reluctantly rose from his chair.

  As they walked through the city, Colby talked.

  He rambled on about how these people had been cheated their whole lives. Their parents and grandparents had good jobs and had made enough money to have a decent home and send their kids to college. He asked if any of them thought they would have enough money to send five kids to college.

  He said that if any one of them got cancer even if they had insurance and survived they would be poor their entire lives. He kept walking and talking. A half hour passed and he found his spot.

  There was a small crowd. Thirty people in smaller groups. He blended in with them without talking to them. They were on the edge of the city. These people were clearly heading back to their cars or homes so Colby had to act fast.

  The next moments would determine the outcome of his life and possibly the entire country. He was beginning to sweat and shake. Thoughts went back and forth in this mind. Did he believe in the cause enough to do what had to be done? He saw what he was looking for. A small alley between two old building that looked abandoned.

  “Let’s get out
of here.” He said as he ducked into the alley. All four followed.

  The alley was narrow and short. At the end, it branched off into two other small alleys. Colby turned right as if he were going back to the hotel. After a few steps, he stopped.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled one of the guns given to him by Anderson’s assistant. He put the gun to Steve Oxley’s face and fired three times. Oxley slumped dead to the ground.

  Jennifer, the youngest member of the group, screamed.

  “Colby shoved the gun back into his pocket and covered her mouth.

  Manny Guitterez, the thin small Mexican raised his hands as if he were under arrest. Lee stood frozen and in shock.

  “He was going to rat us out.” Colby said quietly. Steve was a plant. He was going to get us all thrown into prison. I told him I would go along with him to get you three arrested.”

  Jennifer fell silent. Colby knew he only had a few seconds. “Come with me.”

  Colby sprinted the opposite way they were going back to the center of the city. At the end of the alley, he stopped.

  “Split up, walk with a crowd and try to hold your shit together. Meet me back at my hotel room. Try to smile and laugh as much as you can. But don’t stick out.”

  Colby ran off on his own. He was thankful when he got back to his hotel room that Manny had somehow beat him there. They both walked inside and waited. A few minutes later Lee knocked at the door.

  Colby was aware there were cameras in the hallway. So instead of letting him into the room he walked out into the hall and hugged Lee, laughed and smiled.

  “We did it brother, what a great night!” While smiling and nodding he told Lee,

  “Smile you dumb son of a bitch. You’re on camera. He said it quietly, hoping the video didn’t have audio. Lee smiled and looked around. Colby pulled him into the room.

  “Sorry bud, I just didn’t want you to get into trouble. If you looked nervous on that camera, the cops would be here and arrest you in minutes. Where’s Jennifer?”

  “I don’t know.” Was all Lee Fong could manage to squeak out. He was terrified.

  Colby walked him in and sat him down. He fixed him a soft drink and sat down next to him.